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Business Agility & Transformation

At the STC’s Annual Conference in 2022, CSR Accreditation CEO Richard Collins highlighted the importance of good culture within a company: “…so that people feel valued, autonomous and supported. Statistics show that 65% of millennials prefer a good culture over the pay packet”.

So, it’s becoming ever more important that companies within the STC should know about and embrace areas which might previously have been thought of as the ‘softer’ side of business: the nurturing of our cultural and business environments are rapidly becoming essential to every company’s survival.

Essentially, the Business Agility and Transformation (BAT) group has been created in order to provide a solid foundation of support for tomorrow’s successful business. Its Champions are driving for each event to inform, educate and inspire business leaders around sustainability, equality and modern business management.

The Business Agility & Transformation group aims to support:

  • managing change and growth
  • sustainability
  • business management
  • company culture
  • equality and diversity

Our champions for this group are:

  • Mike Jones (LBI Consulting)
  • Sara Penrose (Sara Penrose Optimisation Training)
  • Dr Cristiana Pace (Enovation Consulting Ltd)
  • Richard Collins (CSR Accreditation)