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Performance Projects and OxDrive



The climate crisis and labour availability are driving huge change across a number of industries including agri-tech, construction and mining. Agri-tech alone sees a seasonal labour shortage of between 10% and 25%, however automation and electrification are beginning to play a key role in addressing these challenges.

In collaboration with OxDrive – a market-leader in high torque, off-highway drivelines, Performance Projects has led design and development of the fully integrated OxDrive e-hub family. Designed to help meet net-zero targets, maximise yield and productivity and address labour challenges, the e-hubs provide reliable drive for the incoming wave of electronic and electric-autonomous vehicles and services.

OxDrive e-hubs bolt onto the vehicle chassis or suspension, allowing for the easy adoption of a compact, reliable and efficient means of propelling a vehicle or robot. Available in varying sizes and torques, the e-hub range already spans small format robots to medium size vehicles with the initial range covering 0.8kW to 8kW.


OxDrive units set the standard for agritech drivelines. They provide drive for the next generation of electric tractors, all terrain vehicles and swarm robotics. Their unparalleled integration enables optimised vehicle layout, and provides drive that can be relied upon 24/7.

Chris Horton, MD, Performance Projects

The ‘one-box’ driveline design enables optimised vehicle layout for maximum efficiency and commercial viability; a mechanical neutral should the vehicle need moving without power; and have a dual input emergency brake, synchronised independently of the vehicle or robot’s computer control system.

Each hub is independently controlled, providing full control over the speed and torque of each wheel, while vehicle manufacturers benefit from reduced development costs and a shortened time to market.



Thank you to STC Member, Prova, for providing the content for this case study.

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